يتميز الإبريق بهيكل مصنوع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ مع طلاء تفلون أسود للحفاظ على المنتج لمدة طويلة. لتحضير القهوة بطريقة الصب يتم إضافة الماء المغلي مباشرةً للإبريق.
يتميز الإبريق بـ:
أنبوب منحني وفوهة رفيعة تساعد على صب الماء بدقة.
مصنوع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ عالي الجودة.
مناسب للتقطير اليدوي.
مقبض معدني مُريح.
مناسب للباريستا المنزليين.
الحجم: الإرتفاع 130مم، والسعة 600 مل. اللون: الأسود، فضي ستانلس ستيل. صنع في الصين.
Drip Kettle 600ml - HOLZKLOTZ
It is a stainless steel 304 Holtz Klotz 600ml drip pot. Since the water outlet is about 7mm, it has a structure that allows for clean water and fine water control. The 600ml capacity is suitable for one or two drips. It is made of heavy stainless steel with a thickness of 1mm. The surface of the port is engraved with the Holtz Klotz logo, which makes it more unique. When hand dripping, do not use boiling water but use cool water with a temperature of around 89 to 94 degrees Celsius. When boiling water is transferred to a drip pot, it cools moderately to a suitable temperature for dripping.
Drip pot for easy water control!
The newly launchedstainless/black/white drip pothas been made to allow finer water control by adjusting the angle and length of the outlet to make the tip longer and bent.
The longer outlet and the curved shape stop the flow of water once more, which is more advantageous for expressing point drips or fine streams.
It cannot be heated directly, just pour boiled water and use.
When you put hot water, the handle of the lid becomes hot, so be careful when using it.
Size Height approx. 130 (mm), 600ml (based on full water) Color Black, stainless material Stainless 304, Teflon coating Country of manufacture China OEM