تعمل الأداة على تنظيف القروب هيد وإزالة الترسبات والشوائب العالقة في الالة من بقايا القهوة والزيوت.
مميزات الأداة:
مصنوعة من البلاستيك الخالي من مادة (BPA).
تتميز الأطراف بأنها مصنوعة من السيليكون.
سهلة الاستخدام وتجعل عملية التنظيف أكثر سهولة.
مواد الصنع: مصنوعة من البلاستيك والسيليكون.
متوفرة باللون: الأسود والأحمر.
تتوافق مع قروب هيد بمقاس 58 - 60.
For group-heads compatible with a tamper diameter of 56 - 58 mm, two cams on the portafilter, and an outer diameter of the portafilter of 69 mm or more.
Machines that are exceptional to the rule above:
Gaggia CC: mounting into a narrow group-head is difficult during first uses.
Lever-type machines: mounting into a narrow group-head is difficult during first uses.
Ascaso Dream, Acr, and Basic: Espazzola doesn't fit, the rim of the group-head is too narrow. Ascaso Dream PID fits though!
Bezzera Hobby, built before 2015: Espazzola doesn't fit, the rim of the group-head is too narrow.
Breville (a.k.a. 'Sage', all machines): Espazzola doesn't fit, collides with hot water outlet located behind the group-head.
Decent Espresso: Espazzola doesn't fit, collides with hot water outlet located behind the group-head.
GRAEF (all machines): Espazzola doesn't fit, the rim of the group-head extends downwards in the back.
Illy Francis, Francis!: Espazzola doesn't fit, the rim of the group-head is too narrow.
La Pavoni, Domus Bar and Domus Casa: Espazzola doesn't fit, rim of the group-head is toمتوفرo narrow.
Let Anna (PL41LEM, PL41EM, PL41QE), Anita (PL042TEMD, PL042EMI, PL042LM, PL042QE), Diana (PL60R1), Grace (PL81T): Espazzola doesn't fit, the rim of the group-head is too narrow.
Vibiemme Lollo: Espazzola doesn't fit, no room behind group-head.