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مطاحن جرايندي | تسوق الآن أفضل مطاحن جرايندي 2025 | ⭐⭐ جودة عالية

As coffee enthusiasts and Ho.re.ca. equipment manufacturers, years ago we realized that there was not enough market awareness of the importance of grinding, among the processes involved in obtaining a good coffee. The grinder was considered just a commodity. Our old coffee grinders too, first, were designed and built as such.
Even when the previous management of the company launched the first on-demand in the market (they were the 80s!) the need to grind on demand was not understood, and the project was abandoned.
But we wanted to do something more. We wanted to change the market. Starting from grinding by weight. Everything else came by itself: trying to design something unique, which would respond to the real needs of those looking for the best in a cup of espresso, we created the first Grindie.
It took a long time, of tests, of failures, but now we are in it. Grindie SOLO is perhaps the most innovative coffee grinder you can find on the market. And it’s unique, even in design.
Grindie’s family will soon expand with other projects we are carrying out … for now, we can’t do anything but invite you to try a whole new experience in coffee grinding.
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