أداة تقطير القهوة الجديدة والإستثنائية من أوريا مصنوعة من البورسلين ولها قاع مفتوح، وهي مصنوعة من نفس البورسلين الناعم المستخدم في أكواب Sense. تصنع هذه الأداة في مصنع صغير للحرف اليدوية في تايوان، متخصص في صناعة أواني الشاي الخزفية الرقيقة. عند توجيه الأداة نحو الضوء، تظهر شفافة، مما يشير إلى جودة ونقاء المواد المستخدمة في تصنيعها.
مميزات المنتج:
مصنوعة يدويا بكل عناية لينتج عن ذلك قطعة خزفية مثالية.
مصنوع من مواد عالية الجودة.
هيكل رقيق لكن قوي ومتين ومقاوم للصدمات.
تحافظ على درجة الحرارة.
تستخدم لتحضير قهوة بطعم متوازن وحلو ويجعل تجربة تقطير القهوة ممتعة للغاية.
يتدفق الماء عبر الثقب بشكل متساوي وسريع لتحقيق استخلاص عالي الجودة.
لا يمكن استعمالها مع الفلاتر المخروطية.
قاعدة متينة مصنوعة من الأكريليك خال من مادة BPA.
المواصفات التقنية:
نطاق التحضير المثالي: 12 جم - 28 جم (200 مل إلى 460 مل) [6.8 أونصة إلى 15.6 أونصة]
كمية التحضير:1 أو 2 أشخاص
أداة ال negotiator المتوافق:Negotiator V3 ( الكلاسيكي) أو V4 Negotiator NARROW (قيعان مسطحة)
فلاتر الورق المتوافقة: OREA Wave 185 (يمكنك استخدام كاليتا بمقاسي 155/185 أيضا) ، مع استعمال negotiator: فلاترSibarist x OREA FAST مسطحة / OREA نوع "G" مسطحة (185 - كبير) / OREA نوع "C" مسطحة (185 - كبير)
مادة الصنع: %100 بورسلين
مادة صنع القاعدة:أكريليك خالي من مادة BPA
صناعة يدوية في التايوان
The OREA Porcelain Brewer with an OPEN bottom is a very unique device, created from the same ultra-pure fine porcelain we use for the Sense Cups. These brewers are made in a small family-owned craft porcelain factory in Taiwan who traditionally specialises in creating delicate porcelain teaware. You will find this brewer to be translucent when holding it in direct light - a testament to the quality and purity of the source material and the high temperatures that these are fired to.
Handcrafted with care: While these brewers are not turned on the wheel but rather moulded, we cannot skip past the amount of handcraft that goes into crafting these beautiful pieces. Porcelain is delicate and hard to work with, with a lot of effort going into handling, post-processing, glazing and firing. All of this effort results in a glossy, translucent, impeccable piece of porcelain that you can love and cherish forever.
Porcelain for brewing: Porcelain is unique as it can be a lot thinner than ceramic clay while providing the same strength and impact resistance. This allows us to create thinner structures and use less material - impacting its thermal properties. We also have more freedom in design, which we took advantage of for crafting this beautiful piece as we can keep some parts quite thin without compromising durability. Inherently, porcelain (and ceramic) brewers will be quick to absorb heat, reducing the temperature of the slurry in the early stages of brewing. However, they also don't radiate (dissipate) this heat quickly (compared to something like glass), becoming more insulative in the later stages of the brew. We find that this can bring a lot more balance and rounded mouthfeel to the resulting cup, with a very unique and delicious sweetness. If we describe our OPEN Glass brewer to be very bright and juicy, we would describe this OPEN Porcelain brewer to be very balanced and sweet.
Is it the fastest?: No - not really always. While it has the biggest hole of our brewers, there are other factors that contribute to fast flow rates than just the hole size. However, generally it is fast, consistent and produces a magnificent cup.
Not a conical brewer: You won't be able to use conical filters in this brewer as it has a ridge at the bottom. We just want to make this clear as it is sometimes harder to see in photos.
A beautiful BPA-free Acrylic base: The Porcelain Brewer ships with a clear/transparent Acrylic base. With the help of lasers and CNCs, we craft these beautiful holders for the Porcelain and Glass brewers. These hold the brewer stable above a cup or server. The two parts do not click together (like in our V3 brewers), rather the brewer sits on top of the base and they are two separate components. A big reason for separating these into two materials is the reduction in brewing material mass to improve thermodynamics. We also have found that in ceramic brewers, the two parts that break the most (by far) are the handles and the base. We chose to avoid both.
Technical Specifications:
Ideal Brewing Range: 12g - 28g (200ml to 460ml) [6.8oz to 15.6oz]
Brewing quantity: For 1-2 people
Compatible Negotiator: V3 Negotiator (the classic negotiator) or V4 NARROW negotiator (flat bottoms)
Compatible Paper Filters: OREA Wave size 185 (you can use Kalita 155/185 as well) With Negotiator tool : Sibarist x OREA FAST Flat filter / OREA Type "G" Flat paper (185 - Large) / OREA Type "C" Flat paper (185 - Large)